Commercial Tenancies Act (CTA)
Is it reasonable for a commercial landlord to withhold consent until a default is cured? A general feature of real property is that it can be transferred to a new owner.
The following information is prepared for information purposes only. It is not intended to express a legal opinion. In all cases where you require a legal opinion, it is recommended that you contact a lawyer.
Should you have any questions or comments relating to this material, please contact Peter Balsdon at your convenience.
Is it reasonable for a commercial landlord to withhold consent until a default is cured? A general feature of real property is that it can be transferred to a new owner.
It would seem that the application of commercially reasonable practices when it comes to storage charges against a tenant’s abandoned goods and chattels is not always the case.
When a tenant abandons their goods and chattels following a landlord’s termination of tenancy for non-payment of rent, what is the mechanism wherein a landlord can claim storage charges?
Landlord’s election between two mutually exclusive remedies is irrevocable and once the election is made, the other remedy is unavailable during the same default period.
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